What We Treat

Colgan Osteopath in Kettering, Northants can help with variety of conditions

What We Treat

Osteopathy Kettering, Northamptonshire

Osteopathy is a system of assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing a wide range of health problems.

Osteopaths are commonly known for treating back pain and postural problems including changes due to pregnancy, caused by driving or work strain, the pain of arthritis and minor sports injuries.

Listed below you can find the common joint and muscle conditions that osteopaths treat.

Osteopathic patients include the young, older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women, children and sports people.

If you want to find out more, any registered osteopath will be happy to talk to you about your health and how you may benefit from osteopathic treatment.

Osteopaths are trained to check for signs of serious conditions they cannot treat.  In these circumstances, they should inform you of what they believe is the problem and refer you to see your GP or hospital for further investigations.

Along with treating the conditions listed here, osteopaths can provide a range of health advice.

Colgan Osteopathy in Kettering, Northants can help with a variety of Conditions including:

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain Exercises








Other conditions

Other therapies often used by Osteopaths:

Colgan Osteopath in Kettering Northamptonshire

Call us to see how we can help  07738493974  or  book online



